Senin, 20 April 2015

Rusty's Poem in Stuck In Love

Well, I don't know why I post this. I just thought this poetry is worthy to be posted. I picked this from one of Stuck In Love's scene that is when Rusty (roled by Nat Wolff) was reading his homework infront of the class. I don't know the tittle, though. But for me, this one is great. Here it is....

In the sea of desk,
there’s talk of games and bags and long pipes that leak dreams with the strike of a match.
and there’s a loudness to the whispers I hear.
Whispers shouldn’t be that loud, should they?
There’s a girl over there who everyone knows
and men without ears who will stand by the door for a price.

In long hallways, there are angry mobs of dwarves and rats and one single angel.

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